It's been a while since I needed to write some data processing scripts. And boy am I rusty! Here is the script I wrote to average out 40 samples per data point on a wafer map, and outputting the results in an Excel spreadsheet.
# Take 40-pt Kelvin Resistivity Data and generate single resistivity per location on wafer.
# Works with one data file at a time representing the wafer map.
# Jovan Trujillo
# Advanced Electronics and Photonics Core Facility
# Arizona State University
# 3/20/2024
# Changelog
# v1.0 - Use last point in 40-pt data file for resistivity map output.
# v1.1 - Added k correction factor to analysis() subroutine.
# v1.2 - Parse X,Y,Z and Temperature from file.
use Modern::Perl;
use File::Find;
use Switch;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX;
our $Excelbook;
our $Excelsheet;
our $row;
our $col;
sub main {
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print "Usage: perl path-to-data-file output-file-name\n";
} else {
# ControlPanel will provide interface for Excel Macros embedded into the data collected into this spreadsheet. Will be useful for generating the plots I want, unless PDL can do it more efficiently for me.
# Need to write some chart making macros in Excel and export the VBA as a binary. The Excel::Writer::XLSX module has a program to help me do that.
# From the command line.
my $file = shift @ARGV;
my $outputName = shift @ARGV;
$Excelbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new($outputName);
die "Problems creating new Excel file: $!" unless defined $Excelbook;
$Excelsheet = $Excelbook->add_worksheet('Summary');
$row = 0;
$col = 0;
$Excelsheet->write($row,0,"X (um)");
$Excelsheet->write($row,1,"Y (um)");
$Excelsheet->write($row,2,"Z (um)");
$Excelsheet->write($row,3,"T (deg C.");
$Excelsheet->write($row,4,"R (Ohms/sq)");
$row = $row + 1;
print "\n\nSearching for resistivity data in: " . $file . "\n\n";
sub process_file {
#print "filepath: " . $File::Find::name . "\n";
my $filepath = shift @_;
my $sampleNum;
my $wafer;
my $lotName;
#my $Excelbook = shift @_;
#my $filename;
#print "filename: $filename\n";
if ( -f $filepath) {
# print " This is a file : $filename \n";
} else {
# Keep looking for valid data files.
say "Not a valid file path\n";
sub analysis() {
my $filepath = shift @_;
#my $filename = shift @_;
#my $sampleNum = shift @_;
#my $wafer = shift @_;
#my $lotName = shift @_;
#my $Excelbook = shift @_;
my $DI;
my $DV;
my $AV;
my $CV;
my $Vdiff;
my $Temperature;
my $Resistivity=0.0;
my $count=0;
my $sum=0;
my $k = 1;
my $x;
my $y;
my $z;
open DATA, "<$filepath" or die "Error opening file $filepath: $!\n";
#$header = <DATA>;
while (my $line = <DATA>) {
# We skip the first 10 points of resistivity data and average out the rest. Or try just the last point. Want to see which
# analysis will give us the best uniformity.
if ( $line =~ /\(([\d.]+),([\d.]+),([\d.]+)\)\s*([\d.]+)C\s*/ ) {
say "\nFound coordinates\n";
if ($count > 0) {
print "Average Resistance = " . $sum/$count . "\n";
$sum = 0;
$count = 0;
$row = $row + 1;
$x = $1;
$y = $2;
$z = $3;
$Temperature = $4;
say "x = $x";
say "y = $y";
say "z = $z";
say "Temperature = $Temperature";
} else {
if ($line =~ /C|Resistivity|Inf|^\s*$/) {
#say "Found header line. Skipping it.";
} else {
#say "Reading data from: $line";
($DI,$DV,$CV,$AV,$Resistivity) = split(/\t\s*/,$line,5);
# say "DI = $DI";
# say "DV = $DV";
# say "CV = $CV";
# say "AV = $AV";
#say "Resistivity = $Resistivity";
$sum = $sum + $Resistivity;
$count = $count + 1;
if ($count > 0) {
print "Average Resistance = " . $sum/$count . "\n";
$sum = 0;
$count = 0;
$row = $row + 1;
# Save data to Excel Workbook
#Columns are:
# 0 - x
# 1 - y
# 2 - z
# 3 - temperature
# 4 - resistivity
say "All done!";
I had trouble remembering my regex syntax, and the data input file had some sneaky spaces in places that took me a while to see. But in the end I got it to work, after an afternoon and a morning working on it.
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