Friday, April 21, 2017

Unicon benchmark results on Raspberry Pi Zero W

This was from a version of Unicon compiled from unicon-code-5082-trunk. A recent development snapshot.

Times reported below reflect averages over three executions.
Expect 2-20 minutes for suite to run to completion.

Word Size  Main Memory  C Compiler  clock    OS         
32 bit     424 MB       gcc 4.9.2   1.0 GHz  UNIX       

1x ARMv6-compatible processor rev 7 (v6l)                  

                                        Elapsed time h:m:s        |Concurrent |
benchmark                           |Sequential|   |Concurrent|   |Performance|
concord concord.dat                   01:0.685            N/A
deal 50000                            01:0.504            N/A
ipxref ipxref.dat                        35.286            N/A
queens 12                             01:13.523            N/A
rsg rsg.dat                           01:3.325            N/A
binary-trees 14                       01:36.725       04:55.517         0.327x
chameneos-redux 65000                      N/A       01:8.534
fannkuch 9                            01:8.319            N/A
fasta 250000                          01:22.580            N/A
k-nucleotide 150-thou.dat             03:19.441            N/A
mandelbrot 750                        08:10.612       13:54.547         0.587x
meteor-contest 600                    03:30.708            N/A
n-body 100000                         03:4.327            N/A
pidigits 7000                         14:37.462            N/A
regex-dna 700-thou.dat                01:52.136       03:33.752         0.524x
reverse-complement 15-mil.dat 
Run-time error 306
File reverse-complement.icn; Line 35
inadequate space in string region
   main(list_1 = [])
   getavgtimes(procedure run_reversecomplement,"15-mil.dat") from line 186 in run-benchmark.icn
   run_reversecomplement(list_5068944 = ["15-mil.dat"]) from line 129 in auxiliary.icn
   mapseq(">ONE Homo sapien...") from line 46 in reverse-complement.icn
Run-time error 302
File reverse-complement.icn; Line 35
memory violation
   main(list_1 = [])
   getavgtimes(procedure run_reversecomplement,"15-mil.dat") from line 186 in run-benchmark.icn
   run_reversecomplement(list_5068944 = ["15-mil.dat"]) from line 129 in auxiliary.icn
   mapseq(">ONE Homo sapien...") from line 46 in reverse-complement.icn