Playing with abinit today. I managed to get the code to compile on a linux server hosted by ASU. It was using gfortran 4.1.0, which was a little too old for abinit 5.8.4 but I got it working by disabling all plugins. When I tested the build with the abinit test files I would get gfortran errors. Ugh it’s so hard to get this software to run on anything and pass all the tests without issue. Don’t know what to do about this new bug.
On Windows XP x64 I can get the code to compile with the msys shell and gfortran 4.3.3. The problem on this platform are the perl scripts used to run the test files not working correctly. Still have not figured out what I need to change to fix this.
On Solaris 10 on a sparc processor I have compiler problems because I am trying to use the f95 compiler instead of gfortran. Lots of work needs to be done to run abinit on Solaris using Sun’s fortran compiler.